Bicycle Commuting Basics Class, April 23

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A hands-on workshop to prepare you to ride your bike for transportation. This class is helpful for new or current bicycle commuters who want to learn more. The class will cover:

Selecting gear for safety and comfort
Planning your route
Following rules of the road
Taking the bus with your bike
Fixing a flat
Maintaining your chain

Location: Intercity Transit Walk N Roll Youth Education Center, 215 N. Washington St., across from Olympia Transit Center

Two dates to choose from: Saturday, March 23, 10:00-12:00 or Tuesday, April 23, 5:30-7:30

Instructors:  Kerri Wilson, League Certified Instructor and Walk N Roll Education Specialist and

Duncan Green, Bicycle Commuter Challenge Coordinator and lifelong bicycle commuter.

Cost: $10.00 per person

Register for either date through Lacey Parks and Rec.
Register for March 23 class through Tumwater Parks and Rec.
Register for April 23 class through Tumwater Parks and Rec.
Register for March 23 class through Olympia Parks and Rec.
Register for April 23 class through Olympia Parks and Rec.

For more info email

Download and share a PDF poster for this event: 11x 17 poster 

Bicycle Commuting Basics Class, April 23 Results

Ride Totals

Number of Riders Distance

Totals by Age Group

Age Category Number of Riders Distance

Results by Team

Team Name Number of Riders # of First Time Riders Days Ridden Miles Ridden Average Days per Rider Average Miles per Rider