2025 Winter Bicycle Challenge is a Wrap!

Submitted by Duncan Green

Participation in the 2025 Winter Bicycle Challenge was not quite as stellar as last year, due to the challenging wintry mix of weather, but we still had 266 stalwart riders who covered 18,648 miles together, riding on a combined total of 1766 days in February! Two or more people from each of over 40 BCC teams participated in the Winter Bicycle Challenge this year. Participants got outside and rode their bicycles for health, transportation and fun. Kudos to you all! 

Over 30 people won bike accessory prizes from Portland Design Works, Safety Pizza and Ortlieb Waterproof. Intercity Transit's bike events continue in the spring! Next up, you'll have an opportunity to join us for the Earth Day Market Ride on Saturday, April 19, followed by the Bicycle Community Challenge and Bike to Work (or anywhere) Day in May.