UPDATE: Covid-19 and the BCC

Submitted by Duncan Green

The Bicycle Commuter Challenge is a program of Intercity Transit, and will be guided by Intercity Transit's policies regarding Covid-19. See Intercity Transit's latest news regarding Novel Coronavirus.


  • The Bicycle Commuter Challenge is largely an online event, and aside from our "live" events, should be able to continue regardless of Covid-19 developments. We’ll adapt as necessary!
  • The BCC does normally host live in-person events. The experts are saying that our best chance of slowing the spread of Covid-19 is to stay away from each other for now. In light of that, we're cancelling the Earth Day Market Ride, and will evaluate the situation closer to the dates of later events (Bike to Work Day and the Prize Hoopla).
  • Fresh air, sunlight and moderate exercise are all healthy and beneficial to the immune system. Bicycling remains a great way to get around!